This assemblage piece, "swing on a star," is in the group show juried by Moe Brooker at Da Vinci Art Alliance. Moe Brooker is a nationally known Philadelphia Artist, with work in the Philadelphia Museum of Art, Studio Museum in Harlem, Montgomery Museum of Art, and Musee des beaux arts D'Ontario. He won a James Van Der Zee lifetime achievement award and has served as faculty at the Cleveland institute of Art, Parsons school of Design, PAFA, and Moore college of art. Brooker will attend the closing reception on August 30 from 3-5pm. I am excited to meet him and hear how he made the selections for this show.

As with a number of my femme works this one is comprised of domestic objects, a small jewelry organizer, part of a napkin holder, the top a music box, buttons, fabric and drawer pulls. All are from different homes, different eras and belonged to women who never knew one another. They are the things women are suppose to use and know about to make their homes more orderly, stylish, efficient. So I combine these pieces, broken and discarded, painted them, rearranged and put them all together to become this woman, who swings on a star with a fancy letter opener at her feet. Out of these house hold scraps emerges a feminine identity independent of the tastes, mores, and times of the indivduals who once choose and possessed them.