Foreign coins, thread, newspaper clipping, single earring, ..what's in your top drawer? What does it say about you? Site dedicated to the assemblage that is all of's the things you leave behind.
Some recent photos from my studio. Coming along but more work to be done. It is also frick'n hot as the dickens with no ac...although gets me there early anyway. Listen to whyy 90.9 whilte working and trying out some experimental pieces.
An experimental process that I have been working on of late. The mule image is one from a print my mother made of a painting she did. Currently working on more pieces of this nature.
These two just came back from Wilmington Delawares ARt on the Town in the Redding Gallery of the City/County building. They were part of a jazz inspired theme for the Clifford Brown Jazz Festival back in June. Have had little time to art blog.