On Wednesday I attended a lecture by philadelphia artist, Beverly Bullock at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine ARts. Bullocks work is mostly collage on paper with African themes, especially women. After the lecture I went upstairs to the eht Betye Saar exhibit "Extending the Frozen Moment" of her assemblage with photographs. Very moving and amazing images, my favorite was a large dress on paper with hues of yellow and gold called "High Yellow." An added treat was watching Beverly Bullock and some of her friends view the exhibit. The following is from the PAFA website:
Betye Saar: Extending the Frozen Moment
Through December 10, 2006
Known particularly for her use of mixed media, this exhibition will focus on Saar's persistent use of the photograph and the impact of the photographic realm in her art. From her earliest experimentations with assemblage in the late 1960s to her installations of the present, Saar has employed the photograph as a storytelling device, transferring personal memory into the realm of history.