or what to do with a drawer full of old fortunes, some chinese brush practise drawings, and a ruined bamboo brush. The fortune of the mask says, You are original and creative.
Foreign coins, thread, newspaper clipping, single earring, ..what's in your top drawer? What does it say about you? Site dedicated to the assemblage that is all of us...it's the things you leave behind.
I spent about an hour at this site, and highly recommend it. Am adding it as a link as well. Gives one so much to think about found so much that I agree with with regards to religion and philosophy.This is from the about page.
Welcome to Modern Humanist, an online journal of modern humanism and humanist thought. Here you will find news, ideas, information and insights on the world. It’s life through the eyes of modern humanist philosophy. Modern Humanist is not only for humanists and freethinkers but for anyone interested in reason, exploration and understanding. Think for yourself and enjoy your life.
As you can see this is a new site. It’s purpose is to offer a view of Modern Humanism and it’s place in the world and community. Not only is Modern Humanism a life philosophy, but it’s also a beacon for rational and thinking minds that believe that life can be lived not only well, but inspired. An inspired life without the need for, or desire for, supernatural forces, limiting beliefs and traditions. A life without hateful, divisive and violent practices that only serve the segregation, isolation and destruction of community rather than the harmony, equality and unity of it.
Modern Humanist will present understanding, perspective and practical wisdom on how to incorporate humanist principals into life and community and how to serve as an example to and for others.
Lastly, Modern Humanist seeks to provide viable answers and life perspectives to the community to illustrate that humanists are not only as moral, neighborly and dedicated to freedom as any church-going person, but also to help illustrate that the philosophical, moral and ethical questions of our time can be answered without the need to impinge on life, liberty or the pursuit of happiness for any citizen of the world or subvert their lives in favor of any other.